Sunday, May 31, 2015

Funeral Video For Ron Allred Mesa, AZ May 23rd 2015

In Loving Memory of Ron Allred Feb 1st 1965 - May 17th 2015
Anabel (his wife) and I compiled the photos from youngest to oldest in his life. I added transitions between the photos called "Fade to white." I added music to it as well. The music was popular songs from George Straight, Allen Jackson, Toby Keith and Rascal Flats. It was a good project, but a sad moment for his family. The funeral went well, and was a great tribute to his life! There were a lot of my friends there as well, so it was nice to see them.

May he rest in heaven away from the troubles of life on earth. May he be re-united with Anabell when the time is right. And, may they live happily ever after in heaven!